4 Weeks of BETA

A massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to join us in testing the game. We’ve had a great turn out, far better than we were perhaps expecting. We’ve made huge progress in tackling all of the priority bugs and have even managed to find some time to add some of the features we’ve been planning to add.

We’re still often being asked if the server is being wiped, and how long until the release date. The server will be wiped on release and we have a better idea on release dates than ever before, and we’re definitely looking on the earlier end of our original predictions. We expect at least another 6-10 weeks of testing and development remain.

Below are the changelogs from the last month of BETA testing.

View Change Logs

Artificial Legend of Mir 2 Jan BETA Changelog Document (v0.2.0)

As people following this project over the last 2 and a half years may already know, we have set out to painstakingly recreate the Original Legend of Mir 2 game. We promised to be as open as possible in our development, and publish our change list. Today we deliver on this.

These are accumulative changes since the last changelog was posted from our development server.

These include Environment, Database and Codebase changes. This is an enormous amount of work in its entirety. For this reason, we have instead opted to deliver these changes through a consolidated Official Change List document.

Formatting on this document has been minimalised to save pages, each change is a single line entry. Due to complexity and time constraints, sometimes (especially) in the Codebase section, the changes do not always follow chronological order.

These changes are a high-level view, some individual changes may be small fixes, others may have taken days or weeks to complete. Many simple changes/tweaks are omitted from this document.

This is an unprecedented attempt to re-establish an Official fully-featured Legend of Mir 2 server in Europe, and therefore I feel, our duty to try and document this process as part of our ongoing contribution to the still-thriving Mir 2 European Community in 2020.


Please note: This document is a little under 50 pages in length. We do not expect everyone to read this, however, this is there for those who are interested.

In addition, here are 2 BETA Testing/Teaser Videos from the Artificial Project Team:

GM Chriz Playing Around With Stress Test Players in Sabuk Wall
GM Chriz (as @Bash) and GM Wittin, High-paced Latency and High-end Equipment Testing

Important: BETA begins and client downloads will be published on 13/01/2020

Artificial Mir II Open BETA Test

Open BETA Testing is finally upon us. Commencing 13/01/2020, everyone will be able to get involved and test the in-development files. We will update the download links on the website as soon as the server is open on 13/01. (www.artificialmir.com/downloads)

We are still working on many aspects of the files even now, and will continue to work towards our release milestone during Open BETA. This will take time, and our test duration will be extended to accommodate for this. This is the first time we will be opening the Phoenix 2.0 files up for anyone to test and get involved in our development process.

Current plans are for BETA to last anything from 8 weeks to 24 weeks depending on how many issues we face and how fast we can implement the currently missing and/or broken features. At the end of the extended BETA test, there will be 1 final wipe before full launch/release.